The above errors were caused by the plugin:adi_menu
The above errors were caused by the plugin:mg_setheader
The above errors were caused by the plugin:mta_sanitize
The above errors were caused by the plugin:ngd_recaptcha
The above errors were caused by the plugin:pax_grep
The above errors were caused by the plugin:smd_query
The above errors were caused by the plugin:soo_toc
The above errors were caused by the plugin:zem_contact_reborn
Cardcast Deck | Sysadministrivia

Cardcast Deck


Recommended Decks

When we play, we generally use the following decks as supplements:

Our Deck

We have created the following deck (and are creating- it’s constantly a work-in-progress):


If you have suggestions you would like added to our deck, please tweet @ us (@SysAdm_Podcast) your suggestion (and leave the tweet up, so we can credit you below!).
Use #black for suggestions for black cards (prompt cards) and #white for white cards (response cards).

Alternatively, just email it to us.

The content of our decks is released under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.


None so far!
